

What an adorable little girl!! I have to say... this was quite the photo shoot!! She outsmarted us on this one... totally perfected dodging the camera!! However, depsite the challange... I think we managed to get some good ones!! Can't go wrong with that pretty little face!!


Tammy & Steve

What a magnificent couple!! I met Tammy at my gym and boy am I glad! :) She asked me to photograph her and Steve's wedding coming up in September. I am very honored to do this! On this day, we were having some pre engagement shoot fun by taking some "Save the Date" photos!! In just the short amount of time that we were out in the cold, windy weather... we had so much fun and ended up with some really nice shots!! I can't wait for the engagement shoot and wedding ;)


Morgan Sporting Green!

What a sweet six year old! I really enjoyed her and can't wait to see more of her!! Those funny faces were killing me!!

St. Patty's Baby Lily

Can you get any cuter? She is such a sweet little baby girl and I am SO happy to have her as my little client :) She lights up my day when I see her!

Micah Looks Good in Green!

What fun was this!! I hand crafted a cute little biniki top this year for St. Patty's Day and I couldn't have had any more perfect baby sport it!! What a cutie she is ;) This is a super fun shoot!!