
Slowly getting this started!

OK- so it is Wednesday and I am still slowly getting this started! Getting my business established and off the ground is going to take a lot of hard work and it may be a stressful and difficult process! However, I am ready for it!! I have some friends that have made it clear that they are willing to help me, which is great! 

As of now... I have realized that I need a new camera!! This is discouraging only because I have a really nice and expensive camera right now! I will have to either sell the one I have... or keep it and then buy a new one!! Oh well, right? It's all apart of it! Luckily I have a friend that is going to help me pick out all of the right accessories that I will be needing to get the best shots!! 

I know what camera I am going to get... so now, its just about buying it! It may be a little while before I do that! On the flip side... I have been studying a lot of good material in that past two days so I am more and more ready each day! My friend has also said that he is willing to let me tag a long when he goes on some of his jobs... which is so exciting!! He is a great photographer and has been in business now for 2 years! I am really stoked to have someone to look up to and someone to help me through this! 

So... as we know this will be a journey that I am ready for, I DO have some upcoming shoots! With the camera I have now... that is nice... I have taken many beautiful photos! I have lots to start my portfolio with! Therefore, my next project for the week is to gather all of my photos I want to start with!

Not to mention, I have a friend that wants me to take some shots of her 2 year old daughter! This should be fun :)

Practice Makes Perfect!

I will be open and willing to practicing as much as possible! With that being said, I have talked to my best friend who is recently engaged and we decided that I am going to take some engagement photos! That's exciting, right? Not only that but I will be taking some shots of her and her 12 year old daughter! I am really excited to start taking photos in more of a "photo shoot" atmosphere. All of the photos I have taken so far have been at events or just family gatherings or weddings. Just kind of in the moment kind of pictures! But now... I am going to make it a point to focus a little more on a "photo shoot" kind of feel!

Anyways, I have a ton of ideas and what makes me crazy is that I just want everything to come together NOW! I have so much to figure out and a lot to learn... but I will get there! One day at a time!! :)

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